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secret life

You are standing there besides the window, gazeing at the world without fixing something.

You are standing there, i can’t see your spirit, why are you liveing like a peace of metal with some electrik cabel to make you move and the skin out of plastik produced in a factory to make you looking real.

There is noone who can see your sorrow because nobody takes the time to really look into your eyes,

Your eyes they are deep like an ocean where are fish swimming through, evil fish and hollow fish, fish which are hideing something hungry fish interested fish violent fish shy fish and a goldfish :-P

Now you are moveing, your moves are preprogrammed and not real you are liveing in a big mystery nobody knows except of you, but i can see your moves do not compare with your feelings,

leave them free, they should fly, fly like an eagle flying in the sky over trees and bushes which is only comeing down to eat some surprised mouses then he will get up in the freedome of heaven again

You do what the WORLD wants you to do

You eat what the WORLD wants you to eat

You buy what the WORLD wants you to buy

You hide what the MASTER wants you to hide

why dont you do what YOU want to do why dont you eat what YOU want to eat why dont you buy what YOU want to buy and why dont you hide what YOU want to hide?

The master is comeing again, you are going to switch me off, stop thi pain but you realize it will never ends.


Dies ist ein ziemlich negativer text der entgegen meiner anderen texte keine hoffnung oder sonstiges bringen soll ich finde ihn trozdem ausdrucks stark und er gefällt mir :-)

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Geschrieben von Lara B. S. [Profil] am 19.08.2009

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 von Jana 22.08.2009, 14:57:48  
Avatar kein Bildzu lang

 Lara B. S. 26.08.2009, 14:54:35  
Avatar Lara B. S.was man von deinen kommentaren nicht wirklich behaupten kann .. außerdem ist das keine sonderliche kritik ich glaube das du sehr wenig ahnung von poesie und sonstigem besizt das ist meine meinung sorry

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The reason of life?
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