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Things I never said

Vorab: Dieses Lied habe ich selber geschrieben und es kommt aus tiefstem Herzen also hoffe ich, dass es gut ankommt und berührt..




Dear Friend, how much I want to talk to you. Just want to say, that I miss the time with you. The way we were together was so beautiful but time goes by and people change. And so it came that we pass each other. We don’t welcome each other and we can’t talk like normal persons, cause I miss the way we were together but I was just a chapter in your life and you don’t need me.

I’m just that little naive girl for you but for me you are an angel on earth. you brought light in these strange dark world and showed me how to cope with my life. I will never forget what you did for me, even if you don’t know what you did or what you meant to me.

You’re still a part of my life even if I know, that it kills me deep inside. Time is leaving, people are changing, Remembering remains, but it will never be the same even if i cry every night and scream inside.
You said you would realize if I’m broken, when I don’t feel well, but you didn’t say something. You just smiled my pain away and for a moment the world was okey, but everytime when you walk through the door without saying something I feel more worse.

I’m just that little naive girl for you but for me you are an angel on earth. you brought light in these strange dark world and showed me how to cope with my life. I will never forget what you did for me, even if you don’t know what you did or what you meant to me.

I can’t take that you don’t need me. It hurts to see, that you can be lucky without me, but I can’t without you and it hurts to know, that you don’t miss me.
But when the sun goes down in your world and everyone leaves your side, than remember me. Recognize what real love means and please don’t hurt me again that much. But even if you would.

If you’d trample on my heart and break me up inside. If you’d stand outside my door, I would open it for you, so you’ve got a place to hide, when you think, that the world is against you.
And if you feel better then please don’t leave my side again. Think of what you mean to me and please stay, cause there is no way I could tell you how much I need you.

I’m just that little naive girl for you but for me you are an angel on earth. you brought light in these strange dark world and showed me how to cope with my life. I will never forget what you did for me, even if you don’t know what you did or what you meant to me.


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Geschrieben von TalaHokulani [Profil] am 12.09.2010

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