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The Labyrinths of you

Out in the black and blues of empty space,
And though deep inside the stream of living,
Your burning wind blows me up to an unknown place,
And still you keep me down with your giving,

Your flowing forms let me go through labyrinths,
And your brown hair stream makes me go swimming,
Waves of your voice make me shaking for the sphinx,
Your tears on my hands are like ice that is burning,

Bombs went down in my head and clean it of all the shit,
After that I see you I cannot speak anymore,
Your electrified eyes paralyze my legs; I’ve got to sit,
Your smooth movements make me melt; you see I pour,

Bittersweet smells of you surround my head,
Confusing me, seizing me, shaking me,
The stars going down in flames an they’re dead,
When I’m holding your fragility,

Rainbow after rainbow end I seek in you,
And treasures much much worthier than gold,
Hot like Africa and cold like an igloo,
Both at the same time want me to be sold,

The dark side of the moon will turn to brightest light,
The glass prison will fall to smallest piece,
And they won’t come out at night,
And I won’t have to say something like All Apologies,

You’ll be able to kill the maliciously smiling snake,
Lucifer will confess to you all of his sins,
And though you could have all you want, you take,
Yes you take me and save me of all the mannequins,

When you laugh my train is gone wrong
Through the labyrinths of you, through this book af art,
Through the valleys of the city will storm this song
And will hit you straight into your heart

Avatar Bedardus

Geschrieben von Bedardus [Profil] am 30.08.2009

Aus der Kategorie Romantische Lyric

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Andere Gedichte von Bedardus

The Queen of my heart
Love comes like a shiver
The day the ants were coming
The sun never shone that day
Konsument - kennt Sumo
Zwei Herzen in einer Brust

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Im Regen
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Fluch(t) der Träume
Still und bescheiden
Panthers letztes Schriftstück
Der Mittag
Am Abend danach

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Frieden und Stille
Wege durchs Schilf...
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