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The meaning of Life - Quest for happyness

Confuse thoughts in your brain…
… all day long ?
Fight inside War but  pain…
… is to strong ?

Instruction to escape:

Search for easy solution
Clean the growing pollution
Stop the constant confusion
Belive In your inner –fusion

The meaning of life
Quest for happiness

Try it all and don’t scared what shit happens.
 Why this Fear ? Maybe it works.
Keep away bads and collect the Beauty.
 Step by step to a cleaner Soul.

Free your mind now and banish the hate
Use your hole skills to open the gate
Walk trough this door to find your own fate
Trust in comeback, amend your headfake

Solve easy Problems when you are helpless.
Convidence caused by success !
Try the unthinkable, never give up !
Bury your doubts ! Its your turn !

Strong Inner conflicts seduce your weak mind
Greed clouded your Soul and makes you go blind  
Feel thoughts of distrust but can’t leave behind.
Demons of bias hide the Way you must find.

Lost my self-esteem  - almost mentally ill
Crack of doom is near -  cant disown your living will
Resistance in bloom.  Mankinds powerfull skill
Leave the Twilight zone and embrace Soul to chill

Avatar winne007

Geschrieben von winne007 [Profil] am 08.12.2013

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Life, happy, Quest


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Andere Gedichte von winne007

Fenster zum Kosmos
Das Gänseblümchen
Ich vermisse Dich
Mein Engel
Der Herbst
Weg der Tränen
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Der Sturm

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Der Mittag
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