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Search the right one

Hab mal meinen ersten Text auf Englisch probiert. Falls sich manche Dinge nicht reimen - Sorry. Machs zum ersten Mal. Viel Spaß!

How gladly would I have you with me now,
Would do anything for it but don't know how,
I just wanted you to be my wife,
You are starring in the film, which is called my life,
The mother of my son,
Now you're no longer my possession,
but you're the only one that knows me like no other,
I loved you more than my own brother,
Have confronted you with conflicts,
I want no other chicks, 
I really want only you, 
tell it, you - love me too,
You're my little dream girl, you are only mine,
Are you with me - everything is fine.
This only time you must believe me,
I'll tell you now something - one - two - three!
I hate the feeling of loneliness,
Believe me, I never want this stress,
I just wanted you - by my side,
I must now decide,
I want you - or I will hurt,
the emotions must be let out or I have to burt,
I'm nobody without you,
I must search the right one - just tell me who.
hate the feeling of loneliness,
Believe me, I never wanted the whole stress,
I just wanted you - by my side,
I must now decide,
I want you - or I will hurt,
the emotions must be let out or I have to burt,
I'm nobody without you,
I must search the right one - just tell me who.
So many memories - there in my head,
everything was good, but the bad - I want instead,
Don't ask me why - i have no idea why,
It gets seriously I'll shy,
The first meeting was madness,
When I had homecoming again outweighed the sadness,
I've thought of you every second - and minute,
I went to ifs you can not hit,
You were so wonderful and I know it,
I was wrong again I throw a fit,
I'm so ashamed for what I've done to you - believe me,
I'm so sorry - can you see?
One only thing I want to tell you now,
I'd like to turn back the time - but I don't know how.
This only time you must believe me,
I'll tell you now something - one - two - three!
I hate the feeling of loneliness,
Believe me, I never want this stress,
I just wanted you - by my side,
I must now decide,
I want you - or I will hurt,
the emotions must be let out or I have to burt,
I'm nobody without you,
I must search the right one - just tell me who.
hate the feeling of loneliness,
Believe me, I never wanted the whole stress,
I just wanted you - by my side,
I must now decide,
I want you - or I will hurt,
the emotions must be let out or I have to burt,
I'm nobody without you,
I must search the right one - just tell me who.

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Geschrieben von Mr Pat [Profil] am 28.08.2013

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Tags (Schlagwörter):

Song, Englisch, Versuch


5 Punkte
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Anzahl Aufrufe: 4915

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 possum 28.08.2013, 22:59:15  
Avatar possumHey Mr Pat, auch dies im Englischen ist dir sehr gut gelungen! Gerne gelesen, Liebe Grüße!

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Andere Gedichte von Mr Pat

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Unser Glück
I miss U

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Der Mittag
Am Abend danach

Die neusten Gedichte:

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Mein Hund
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... Wenn ...
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