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Friends are next to your family one of the most important things in your life. You need them as a pizza it’s cheese or as an old neighbour his wife. Sometimes you won’t see them, but real friends will stay your whole life. Sometimes they will disappear but they will come back when you need them. You will survive with them up’s and down’s .They will cry tears with you and you will cry tears with them. Even sometimes they’re the reason why you are crying, don’t leave them alone! They will hold your hands when you’re nervous. They will hold your trembling body when you are crying. they will laugh with you tears when you are the luckiest person on this planet. They will often argue with you, but you will get along with them as often as necessary. They will love you when no one else does, but they will never hate you when everyone else do. They will accept your soul as well as your body. And they won’t leave you alone! You don’t need many of these special people. Only a handful of them are important to survive the reality and this society. If you haven’t found such people yet, you will find them! Love your friends with all your heart! I would like to thank you for some hard nights, which I spent crying, and you helped me. For some wonderful evenings where I was able to see some beautiful sunsets. For some nice and escalated party nights and also for normal school days. I love you all!

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Geschrieben von poems [Profil] am 03.08.2019

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friends, grateful


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