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what is it intro

what is it,_ what is it,_ what is it,_ puuuuuuuuuu
what is it,_ what is it,_ what is it,_ puuuuuuuuuu
what is it,_ what is it,_ what is it,_ puuuuuuuuuu
what is it that it kills me everytime, time
time, time, time,

is it the air, I dont breathe (smoking cigarettes)
the minds in my head, I can't speak (overthinking)
the light in the dark I dont see (depresssion)
the type that cant follow the companyyyyyy

doing the same things, days in and days out
watching the hamster, goes round and round
always stand next to me while I'm in a crowd
shut my own voice when it's have to be loOoud

held my head over the galaxy's tears
lose all the fights against my own fears
speak of the devil and he appears
The sun in the clouds, just dissapear

Geschrieben von HGbutton [Profil] am 03.07.2024

Aus der Kategorie Sonstige Lyric

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what, is, it


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