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Happy now

are you happy? are you happy now?
now alone, like before you and i
Was it fun, to cheat on me?
why you did it? why?

years of joy and love, together.
months of laughter and weeks of sun.
you said: you and me for ever!
days like in heaven, hours of fun
minutes of tears and seconds of "however"
i saw your messenger
and I'm like stun...

are you happy? are you happy now?
now alone, like before you and i
Was it fun, to cheat on me?
why you did it? why you did it? why?

You were the air for me to breathe.
I thought, I can't be without you,
but now you're like ice on sick teeth.
i don't know, if there is any rescue.
i don't know how to deal with
The debate is long overdue

are you happy? are you happy now?
now alone, like before you and i
Was it fun, to cheat on me?
why you did it? why you did it? why?

whats about that little bitches?
are they so much better?
my heart feels covered with stitches
my soul closed in a dark chamber
people say, the life teaches
so i learned, to hate all of that m*fucker.

are you happy? are you happy now?
now alone, like before you and i
Was it fun, to cheat on me?
why you did it? wasn't I enough for you? why?

Destroyed own and other relationships
Without regard to losses...
whats about your worshippers?
do they risk losing something too?
Or did only you throw all that away with one snip?
but don't tell me it's all not true...

are you happy? are you happy now?
now alone, like before you and i
Was it fun, to cheat on me?
why you did it? why you did it? why?

You cheated on me,
like it was child's play
you treated me like a blind idiot

so alone

are you happy now?

why you did it? 


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Geschrieben von Egon0815 [Profil] am 04.01.2023

Aus der Kategorie Sonstige Lyric

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Andere Gedichte von Egon0815

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Nur du

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Im Regen
Verwirrte Worte
Wer Sehnsucht kennt...
Fluch(t) der Träume
Still und bescheiden
Panthers letztes Schriftstück
Der Mittag
Am Abend danach

Die neusten Gedichte:

Harmonie der Gefühle
Zeit mit Dir
Gut oder schlecht
Im Kriegsgebiet
Möchte noch einmal...
Ich kann nicht ewig bleiben

Oft gelesene Gedichte:

Ich liebe Dich mein Schatz
Danke an unsern Lehrer!!
An meine liebe Frau
Was ich meinen Kindern immer mal sagen wollte...
Für meine Schwester
Für meinen Schatz
Ich Denke an Dich...
Hab Dich Lieb Mama
Für mein Schatz
Meine Oma