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Live your life

My life is like a movie, a fucking bad movie. A movie of a single person walking through thousands of people and still being totally alone, everytime, from birth to death.
The question is, at this point, if there is no one who loves you, no one who says "i love you" but quite a few you would say it to, does your heart die? is it possible that
your heart dies while you're still alive. Living along without any feelings except anger and sadness? Do you really want to live this way? Even if it's possible
it's so sad that no one could stand this for long. There are only two ways your life goes if you're at this point in live. You die or you kill. No, there are no other ways
or excuses. That's the way it'll happen. Live doesn't care what you want or wish for. If it hates you, you will feel it. Everytime you don't think of it, it will hit you
as hard as it can. Just to laugh about you struggling to stay alive. If there's a god, i think he smiles at you while you wish to go...just go don't care what others think
or what they will do if you go. Just take that knife, these pills or simply be near a train and i mean really near. Smell it, feel it, touch it....or let it touch you.
Just one time..a moment shorter than a single second. It would chage everything, but you can't know what lays on the other side. You have to try and if it's sit..you have
to live with that, if you can say life to it. Whatever it is, sometimes it seems, that nothing could be worse than you actual life.

Avatar SiCc

Geschrieben von SiCc [Profil] am 25.12.2012

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Tags (Schlagwörter):

Life, Live, sadness, pain, struggle


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Andere Gedichte von SiCc

Eine Krankheit die keiner versteht
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Ein Ziel
Der Kampf zu leben
Der tägliche Kampf
Ein stetiger Kampf
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Verschenktes Herz

Die beliebtesten Gedichte:

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Im Regen
Verwirrte Worte
Wer Sehnsucht kennt...
Fluch(t) der Träume
Still und bescheiden
Panthers letztes Schriftstück
Der Mittag
Am Abend danach

Die neusten Gedichte:

Gut oder schlecht
Im Kriegsgebiet
Möchte noch einmal...
Ich kann nicht ewig bleiben
Der Leichtsinn
enges wessen
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Hab Dich Lieb Mama
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