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Almost Lost

Almost Lost


Today, I found another way to you

I try to escape the tears and anguish you

wear with you, the pain you don´t deserve

are my nightmares till i die.....,

till i cry....


I can´t forget you and you know

i hate that i love you

but you´re the only one who understands me,

i understand you and we know each other

but the poison of love is killing me

I gotta find you before i've Almost Lost YOU!


Tonight, I try to find a way with you

I try to save you from the tears and anguish.

The pain you deserve will never come back till you


till you die...


I can´t forget you and you know

i hate that i love you

but you´re the only one who understands me,

i understand you and we know each other

but the poison of love is killing me

I gotta find you before i've Almost Lost YOU!


Fast bridge:

and now i found you and i saved you from these things

that we hate. I love you and you know that why don´t


love me too and just accept that we belong together ?!?

Slow Bridge:

right now, we can suffer together and fight against

this painfull LIFE !!!


veränderter chorus + outro:

I can´t forget you and you know I love you......

you´re the only one who understands me, I understand


and we know each other

Now i got a antidote for the poison of love........


I already found you and didn´t lose


Da es mein Erstes "Werk" ist bitte ich drum genau zu sagen was Falsch ist !

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Geschrieben von PinFi [Profil] am 06.09.2012

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