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Words to an angel

My heart, so full of feeligs, speaks to you,

can´t be surpressed this voice, not by manhood or by angels, not by the mighty´s of the dark.

There is a force in me, built up by what you give to me - yes, you made this possible -

So listen what my heart speaks:


I feel lost without you, loosing every perspective and trust to the future,

feel alone like a little pebble in a wild river, without any possibility to protect against the waves.

I feel lonesome, just another stone in a mass of others, exchangeable - only a little pebble like millions of others.

Only a play ball in the mighty of the elements. this is how I feel without you - terrible but the truth.


But when you enter the room, light it up with you smile and your presence,

I feel like a desert plant, when the first raindrop fells on it,

I am growing then, breathing then, living then.


And when you take me in your arms, my world breaks down, stops to exist, no world around me any more then.

I only feel you then, smell you then, taste you wonderful flavor then.

You wipe me out from my earthly existance, lift me up to the stars and make me shine in the middle of my brothers - the stars.


And when your lips touch mine, and melt together in your kiss, I stop to exist - as I ad never existed before.

And also grow up from a pebble to a big, strong rock - solid and unbreakable by the elements.

Not even to be destroyed by death - there will grow roses on my grave,

and you - my angel - know what this means.


Written with all my love for Belledujour Arida

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Geschrieben von Josef Sauber [Profil] am 01.01.2011

Aus der Kategorie Liebesgedichte

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