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I wish I had your wings,
but the devil holds me tight with his reins,
I would like wings like last night in my dream,
but they don't grow on any tree.

I chased after love,
but it will not come back anymore.
Butterflies from my stomach flew after you,
I cannot see you anymore.

Followed the hearts until sunrise,
our two hearts were once in harmony.
This evening the souls stuck together in the stars,
That's when my heart simply started to cry.

I saw you in heaven.
What has happened between us?
As if I had to touch that one magical star,
Let me be seduced by your eyes once again.

A swarm of angels hovered over us,
they laid us with their lord.
Let the angels greet from my heart,
I must pay for love.

Sometimes I wish I were an angel,
and not like the rest of the people a brat.
I wish I were with you,
but I am lost in dark desire.

The desire for true love,
but out there are only heart thieves.
The angels showered me with sweet honey kisses,
protected me from the darkness with their wings.

Touched by true love,
seduced by your eyes.
Brown like the eyes of a deer,
now clover grows from my soul.

The angels flew around my head,
they covered me with their divine honey.
They spin a prison of love around me,
in my heart I only carry you.

I wish I had wings like you,
then I would be with you in a flash.
But these are only empty and dark dreams,
that gives darkness its space.

Lost forever in a hell of a paradise of love.
My soul will never be reborn.
I wish I had closed my eyes forever,
but the darkness has beaten me again.

Sometimes I wish I were an angel,
and not like only a brat.
Sometimes I wish I were with you,
lost in eternal love desire.

Danger comes from the air,
was once so close to your heart.
This darkness in my heart scares me,
my soul is so scared.

Together we defeated the fear in our dreams,
and the devil got one of us.
I wish I had a pair of wings,
but only get beatings from you.

Lost in the dark eternity,
my soul just screams from the heart.
Love has burned my heart,
and the devil digs deeper into the soul.

I wish I were like you,
then finally the darkness would leave me in peace.

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Geschrieben von DemetriusAnastasius [Profil] am 22.01.2023

Aus der Kategorie Liebeskummer

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Andere Gedichte von DemetriusAnastasius

Das Klagelied der Verlassenen
Die Verwelkte Rose der Liebe
Verloren in der Dunkelheit
Goldenes Licht
Garten der Rosen
Morgendlicher Antlitz
Schweres Herz

Die beliebtesten Gedichte:

Unausweichlich Tod
Im Regen
Verwirrte Worte
Wer Sehnsucht kennt...
Fluch(t) der Träume
Still und bescheiden
Panthers letztes Schriftstück
Der Mittag
Am Abend danach

Die neusten Gedichte:

Harmonie der Gefühle
Zeit mit Dir
Gut oder schlecht
Im Kriegsgebiet
Möchte noch einmal...
Ich kann nicht ewig bleiben

Oft gelesene Gedichte:

Ich liebe Dich mein Schatz
Danke an unsern Lehrer!!
An meine liebe Frau
Was ich meinen Kindern immer mal sagen wollte...
Für meine Schwester
Für meinen Schatz
Ich Denke an Dich...
Hab Dich Lieb Mama
Für mein Schatz
Meine Oma