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I'm not a poet

Call me a poet 'cause I memorize my rhymes

But I'm just tryin' to free myself from living in my lines

Wich is not easy, sometimes it's hard to tell a difference

Between what's real or not, 'cause if it's not, it's just my self-defense

Searching for today, insead I found tomorrow

Living the real way is just making me feel sorrow

Always the same, always I wanna stop

And I withdraw into myself and cry for my lost teardrops

I'm not living, I'm just time-killing

Call me a murder 'cause I live my way living

There's no reason for me to say I'll make it this time

'cause again it'll be just some words, just a rhyme

Call me a poet 'cause I write some stupid shit

But it helps me coping better with the shit that I live with

So I imagine my life, write it down and thus feel fine

I live inside my head; no problem, this life is mine

Even if it doesn't help, I try to live reality

Sweet mentality, I live my insecurity

I wanna see the world, glance at what is there for me

So I try to capture every single opportunity

I'm gonna make it to the moon, grab for the stars

'cause that's the only way for me to looking forward

Someday I'll escape, and this day'll come soon

Then I'm on my walk to the moon

Plug in, press play, and I'm all out

Someday I will make it, Someday I'll wake up

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Geschrieben von Juli-Anne Swarls [Profil] am 06.04.2012

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4 Punkte
Punkte: 26 bei 6 Bewertungen. Das Entspricht im Durchschnitt 4.33 Punkte
(Punkte können mit einem neuen Kommentar vergeben werden.)

Anzahl Aufrufe: 1554

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Kommentare und Punkte zu diesem Gedicht

 Acuelz 06.04.2012, 20:11:15  
Avatar kein BildI like ;) 5P.

 Juli-Anne Swarls 07.04.2012, 13:35:51  
Avatar kein Bildthx :)

 Nadine1612 17.08.2012, 21:55:08  
Avatar kein Bildme, too! i love it. keep writing please :)

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Ich Denke an Dich...
Hab Dich Lieb Mama
Für mein Schatz
Meine Oma