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Every little piece of me



I, I walked down this street
And suddenly I saw your pretty face
You looked up and walked away
With your stupid friends by your side
I hate them

And I heard you giggling and laughing
And I was thinking to myself
What should I change  
To make you laugh with me
And not about me



What did I do wrong?
What did I do to you?
Am I to dumb?
Am I to ugly?
I have given you every little piece of my heart
But you, you’ve torn them all apart


It’s my 17 birthday late at night
Yesterday I was wishing my last wish
All day long my friends were gratulating
But for your message I’m still waiting
All day long

Seems like I’m not existing for you
Seems like you couldn’t care less for me
No matter how hard I fight
I’ll love you all the time
Know it's not fine



What did I do wrong?
What did I do to you?
Am I to dumb?
Am I to ugly?
I have given you every little piece of my heart
But you, you’ve torn them all apart



 Will you think of me one day?
Will you tell somebody about me one day?
Will you someday be sorry?
That you’ve never looked at me
And when you ask yourself one day



What did I do wrong?
What did I do to her?
Am to dumb?
Am I to blind?
She had given me every little piece of her heart
But I, I’ve torn them all apart



Then I’ll take your hand
Give you one last chance
And I’ll sing the last row
That this is now a happy end

*for a special person*


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Geschrieben von Canny [Profil] am 03.02.2012

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