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some of your life

some of your life

why some must think only of themselves
why you need to think of you only
Why do I have to think only of myself
life is really clear enough and free

we see not only the right and the wrong
not everything is strict or normal
I write these lines not otherwise the song
it is sufficient, and the rates of the original

life is enough for me, perhaps not for you
You do not know what is wrong what is true
see it a give it to you until now have only made errors
Now you look at it, there is a mirror

some look so easy but it is difficult to understand
some is that one can easily deal that you can
in some you lose the control that you’ll fall
then you can not find the solution more and call

For me for you and for others it can be hard to live
I have a owe you now live Give Give
then says to go give me some of your life
the life must be without odium and strife
believe me you say then surely believe me
you can do it then maybe see

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Geschrieben von gizem [Profil] am 17.03.2010

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Andere Gedichte von gizem

ohne dich!?.....
als ich dich mit einer anderen sah....
schlag mir ins herz
i well remember
some matters
sunrise and sunset
heal my heart
i deserve you
my dear
du bist falsch

Die beliebtesten Gedichte:

Unausweichlich Tod
Im Regen
Verwirrte Worte
Wer Sehnsucht kennt...
Fluch(t) der Träume
Still und bescheiden
Panthers letztes Schriftstück
Der Mittag
Am Abend danach

Die neusten Gedichte:

Möchte noch einmal...
Ich kann nicht ewig bleiben
Der Leichtsinn
enges wessen
Weit und breit
So gedacht
Auf Zum Himmel

Oft gelesene Gedichte:

Ich liebe Dich mein Schatz
Danke an unsern Lehrer!!
An meine liebe Frau
Was ich meinen Kindern immer mal sagen wollte...
Für meine Schwester
Für meinen Schatz
Ich Denke an Dich...
Hab Dich Lieb Mama
Für mein Schatz
Meine Oma