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The reason of life?

The reason of life? i dont know what it is about, a onedayfly would say dieing is the reason of life .. but that should’nt be the reason for our life :-). Have we something to discover, like a mosquito discovers from above where a vain is swimming through, to stick its pointed snorkel like a fishrod in the arm of the surprised human who can discover the - next day - a nasty itching bubble like a hill which has to existence between the mount everest and the zugspitze. Only the wind which is softly touching the hill and freshs up its parasites like garss and flowers which have discovered the hill and join other grass to become a lawn in the following years and than the hill will be a meadow with a stonern heart birds which discover this little peace of earth fastly leave this palce because they notice there aren’t worms beneath the grass.

The stonern hill overcasts with the grean peacefull lawn is a special hill it’s mine just one numberless hill but it will grow layers will emerge and in a time when i’m surely looking down from heaven and other creatures are living on our planet which are still looking for the reason of life then they will discover my hill my little mountain and if they manage it to get to the heart of my mountain before the world is going to break in peaces they will discover the locked cage, my locked cage in this locked cage there is the reason of life written down on a peace of paper but what don’t know -----------> I’VE GOT THE KEY

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Geschrieben von Lara B. S. [Profil] am 13.08.2009

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 von Jana 22.08.2009, 14:58:46  
Avatar kein Bildnaja.

 Lara B. S. 26.08.2009, 14:56:47  
Avatar Lara B. S.mädel bitte warum kannst du das nicht argumentieren ich möchte doch wissen was ich verbessern kan!! ansonsten hättest du dir die kommis auch sparen können.

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