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They Said When the sun of life goes down, the stars of memory shine
But I'll only be remembered as the guy who didn't feel fine
As the one who isolated himself more and more, who dressed darker from day to day
As the one who was more and more trapped in his thoughts hurricane
My sun of life will set and nobody will care
No one sees the person behind the mask, me and my nightmare

Nothing but accusations come from you
No help no support no rescue
And you ask why I tried to commit suicide
But now I know I'm alone when it comes to what's going on inside me

My stars of memory are all useless
When I'm alone and more and more depressed
When I'm being dumped by everyone anyway
Mayday Mayday
My head has become something I can't control
It eats away my soul
It eats up those shitty stars of memory
Nobody stops him because there's nobody there for me
Pull the cigarette, look up at the stars
See my years of struggle and my scars
Everything has an end.
No more disappointment
No more demons to torture me
Only me, free from my misery
Free of everything. I sit by the tree

I have taken far too much of my medication
No more Desperation
Last time pull the cigarette and smile
Because I know I'm gonna die
The big wound on my wrist is bleeding badly
Sadly, it's just another suicide attempt
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Geschrieben von DolceVita [Profil] am 03.03.2020

Aus der Kategorie Sonstige Lyric

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Tags (Schlagwörter):

Suicide, Suizid, Hoffnungslosigkeit, Desperation, Verzweiflung, hopeless, helpless, Hilflosigkeit


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